BS EN 10297 Part 1 Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
BS EN 10297-1
Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1 :Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
1 Scope
This Part of EN 1 0297 specifies the technical delivery conditions for seamless circular tubes made of non-alloy and alloy steels for mechanical and general engineering purposes.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 1 0002-1 , Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1 : Method of test at ambient temperature.
EN 1 0020, Definition and classification of grades of steel.
EN 1 0021 , General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.
EN 1 0027-1 , Designation systems for steel — Part 1 : Steel names, principal symbols.
EN 1 0027-2, Designation systems for steel — Part 2: Numerical system.
EN 1 0045-1 , Metallic materials — Charpy Impact test — Part 1 : Test method.
EN 1 0052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products . prEN 1 01 68, Iron and steel products — Inspection documents – List of information and description .
EN 1 0204, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents.
EN 1 0220, Seamless and welded steel tubes - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.
EN 1 0246-1 , Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 1 : Automatic electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness .
EN 1 0246-3, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 3 : Automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.
EN 1 0246-5, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 5 : Automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections .
EN 1 0246-7, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 7 : Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.
EN 1 0256, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Qualification and competence of level 1 and 2 non-destructive testing personnel.
CR 1 0260:1 998, Designation systems for steel - Additional symbols. prEN 1 0266, Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sections — Symbols and definition of terms for use in product standards.
EN ISO 377, Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing (ISO 377:1 997).
EN ISO 642, Steel — Hardenability test by end quenching (Jominy test) (ISO 642:1 999).
EN ISO 2566-1 , Steel—Conversion of elongation values—Part 1 : Carbon and low alloy steels(ISO 2566-1 :1 984).
EN ISO 6506-1 , Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test — Part 1 :Test method (ISO 6506-1 :1 999).
EN ISO 6508-1 :1 999, Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test -Part 1 : Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F,G, H, K, N, T) (ISO 6508-1 :1 999).
EURONORM 1 03,Micrograph determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steels
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1 0020, EN 1 0021 , EN 1 0052 and prEN 1 0266 and the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1fine grain steel
steel having an austenitic/ferritic grain size equal to or finer than 6 when measured in accordance with EURONORM 1 03
3.2 normalizing rolling
a rolling process in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range leading to a material condition equivalent to that obtained after normalizing so that the specified values of the mechanical properties are retained even after normalizing (+N)
NOTE Delivery condition of tubes manufactured by a normalizing rolling process or normalized by heat treatment in a furnace are both identified with the same symbol.
3.3 as rolled
formed after heating into the austenitic region (i.e. above AC 3) without subsequent heat treatment (+AR)
heat treatment at a temperature slightly below AC 1 (+A)
3.5TH treatment
heat treatment with the object of achieving a hardness within a specified range (+TH)
3.6FP treatment
heat treatment with the object of producing a ferritic and pearlitic structure and achieving a hardness within a specified range (+FP)
organization for which the person works on a regular basis
NOTE The employer may be either the tube manufacturer or a third party organization providing non-destructive testing(NDT) services.
4 Symbols
See prEN 1 0266 and CR 1 0260.
5 Classification and designation
5.1 Classification
In accordance with EN 1 0020 the grades in Tables 3, 4 ,5, 6 and A1 are classified as given in Table 1 .
5.2 Designation
For tubes covered by this Part of this European Standard the steel designation consists of:
the number of this Part of this European Standard (EN 1 0297-1 ) ; plus either :
the steel name in accordance with EN 1 0027-1 and CR 1 0260 ; or
the steel number allocated in accordance with EN 1 0027-2.
These are given in Table 1 .
Table 1 — Classification of steel grades and delivery condition
6 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
6.1 Mandatory information
The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order :
1 ) the quantity (mass or total length or number);
2) the term "tube";
3) the dimensions (outside diameter, wall thickness) (see 8.9.1 );
4) the designation according to this Part of this European Standard (see 5.2);
5) the delivery condition (see 7.3.1 ).
6.2 Options
A number of options are specified in this Part of this European Standard, and are listed as follows with appropriate clause references. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement any of these options at the time of enquiry and order the tube shall be supplied in accordance with the basic specification(See 6.1 ).
1 ) Descaling (see 7.3.1 );
2) tensile test on sample in condition +N (see 8.3.2);
3) tensile test on sample in condition +QT (see 8.3.3);
4) tensile test (see 8.3.4);
5) impact energy values of Table 1 3 (see 8.3.5);
6) hardness range (see 8.4.2);
7) hardness test (see 8.4.3);
8) hardenability requirements of Aannex D (see 8.5);
9) verification of hardenability (see 8.5);
1 0) verification of hardenability by test (see 8.5);
1 1 ) non-destructive testing (see 8.6.2);
1 2) leak tightness test (see 8.6.2);
1 3) exact lengths (see 8.9.2);
1 4) specific inspection for tubes made of steels from Table 3 (see 9.1);
1 5) inspection document 2.2 (see 9.2.1 );
1 6) inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 (see 9.2.1 );
1 7) hardenability test on a test piece taken from a sample tube (see 11 .3);
1 8) supplied tubes shall not contain areas prepared and used for hardness test (see 1 1 .4);
1 9) selection of the leak tightness test method by the purchaser (see 1 1 .5.1 );
20) coating for transit and storage (see clause 1 3).
6.3 Example of an order
Twenty five tonnes of tube in accordance with EN 1 0297-1 with specified outside diameter of 60,3 mm and specified wall thickness of 3,6 mm grade E275 steel in the normalised delivery condition and supplied with specific inspection.
25 t Tube - - 60,3 x 3,6 - EN 1 0297 - E275 - +N - Option 1 4
7 Manufacturing process
7.1 Steelmaking process
The steelmaking process is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
Elements not included in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and A1 for the relevant grade shall not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, except for elements which may be added for finishing the cast. All appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the addition of undesirable elements from scrap or other materials used in the steelmaking process.
7.2 Deoxidation process
Steels shall be fully killed and additionally those in Tables 4 and 5 shall contain N binding elements and are fine grain steels.
7.3 Tube manufacture and delivery conditions
7.3.1 Tubes shall be manufactured by a seamless process.
Table 2 gives a summary of delivery conditions, hardenability requirements and related mandatory and optional test requirements for mechanical properties and hardness. For hardenability requirements see 8.5.
Tubes made of steels in Table 3 with the exception of E470 are normally supplied as rolled or normalized at the discretion of the manufacturer. However the purchaser may specify +N condition. Grade E470 is supplied as rolled.
Tubes made of steels in Table 4 are supplied in the delivery condition indicated in Table 9.
Tubes made of steels in Tables 5, 6 and A1 are supplied in a delivery condition indicated in Table 2 as specified by the purchaser.
The recommended heat treatment temperatures are given in Table B.1 and Table B.2 as appropriate.
At the manufacturers discretion tube may be cold finished, before the specified heat treatment is given. Cold finished tubes in the +AR condition shall be annealed or normalized to achieve the specified properties.
NOTE The cold drawing process leaves residual oil on the tube which may leave a residue when heat treated.
When specified the tubes shall be supplied descaled (see option 1 ). The amount of descaling shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. The method is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
Option 1 : Tubes shall be supplied descaled.
7.3.2 All NDT activities shall be carried out by qualified and competent level 1 , 2 and/or 3 personnel authorised to operate by the employer.
The qualification shall be in accordance with EN 1 0256 or, at least an equivalent to it.
It is recommended that the level 3 personnel be certified in accordance with EN 473 or, at least an equivalent to it.
The operating authorisation issued by the employer shall be in accordance with a written procedure.
NDT operations shall be authorised by a level 3 NDT individual approved by the employer.
NOTE The definition of level 1 , 2 and 3 can be found in appropriate standards, e.g. EN 473 and EN 1 0256.
Table 2 — Summary of delivery conditions, related options and requirements
8 Requirements
8.1 General
Tubes, when supplied in a delivery condition indicated in 7.3.1 and inspected in accordance with clause 9, shall conform to the requirements of this Part of this European Standard.
In addition the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 1 0021 apply.
8.2 Chemical composition
The cast analysis reported by the steel producer shall apply and shall conform to the requirements of Tables 3, 4,5, 6 and Table A.1 .
In case of dispute the permissible deviations of a product analysis from the limits on cast analysis specified in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and Table A.1 are given in Table 7.
NOTE When welding tubes produced according to this part of EN 1 0297, account should be taken of the fact that the behaviour of the steel during and after welding is dependent not only on the steel and the delivery condition but also on the conditions of preparing for and carrying out welding. Not all of the steels specified in this standard are able to be welded unless specialised techniques are employed by specialist welders.
Table 3 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for non-alloy quality steel, in % by mass a
Table 4 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes with specified impact properties in % by mass a
Table 5 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes made of non-alloy special steels in % by mass a b
Table 6 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes made from alloy special steels in % by mass a
Table 7 — Permissible deviations of the product analysis from the specified limits on cast analysis
8.3 Mechanical properties
8.3.1 For tubes made of steels covered by Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6 the mechanical properties for the relevant delivery condition in Tables 8, 9, 1 0,1 1 and 1 2 apply.
8.3.2 When specified, for tubes supplied as rolled or annealed in grades of Table 5 the mechanical properties in Table 1 0 shall apply for a sample submitted to a simulated normalizing treatment (see Option 2).
Option 2 A tensile test shall be carried out on a sample test piece from a sample heat treated to the condition +N and the results reported.
8.3.3 When specified, for tubes supplied normalized in grades of Table 5 and for tubes supplied as rolled or annealed in grades of Table 5 and 6 the mechanical properties in Table 1 2 shall apply for a sample submitted to a simulated quenched and tempered treatment (see Option 3).
Option 3 A tensile test shall be carried out on a sample test piece from a sample heat treated to the condition +QT and the results reported.
8.3.4 When specified for tubes supplied annealed in grades of Tables 5, 6, and Table A.1 or for tubes supplied in delivery condition +N, +TH or +FP in grades of Table A1 a tensile test shall be carried out and the results reported (see Option 4).
Option 4 A tensile test shall be carried out and the results reported.
8.3.5 When specified for tubes supplied quenched and tempered in grades of Table 5 or 6 except C60E the impact properties, shown in Table 1 3 shall apply (see Option 5).
Option 5 The impact energy values of Table 1 3 shall be verified and the results reported.
Table 8 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 3
Table 9 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 4
Table 10 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 5 in delivery condition +N
Table 11 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 5 in delivery condition +QT
Table 12 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 6 in delivery condition +QT
Table 13 — Impact properties a for tubes made of steels, in accordance with Tables 5 and 6 in delivery condition +QT
8.4 Hardness requirements
8.4.1 For tubes made of steel grades in Tables 5, 6 and Table A.1 and supplied in the annealed condition and for tube made of steel grades in Table A.1 and supplied in the +TH or +FP condition the hardness requirements in Table C.1 apply.
8.4.2 When Option 6 is specified, for grades of Table 5 and 6 in +QT condition, an agreed hardness range shall apply.
Option 6 An agreed hardness range shall apply and be verified and the results reported (see 1 1 .4).
8.4.3 When Option 7 is specified, for steel grades of Table A1 in +N condition, a hardness test shall be carried out and the results reported.
Option 7 A hardness test shall be carried out and the results reported.
8.5 Hardenability
When Option 8 is specified for steel grades in Tables 5, 6 and for the alloy special steels in Table A.1 , the hardenability requirements in Annex D shall apply, except for the +QT condition.
Option 8 Hardenability requirements of Annex D shall apply.
When Option 9 or Option 1 0 is specified the hardenability shall be verified.
Table 14 — Preferred dimensions of seamless steel tubes
Dimensions in mm
Table 15 — Tolerances on outside diameter and on thickness Tolerances on exact length
The limit deviations shall be as given in Table 1 6.
Table 16 — Tolerances on Exact Lengths
Dimensions in mm
8.9.4 Sectional properties
The nominal sectional properties shall be calculated in accordance with Annex E.
9 Inspection
9.1 Types of inspection
The conformity to the requirements of the order for tubes supplied in accordance with this Part of this European Standard shall be checked by:
non-specific inspection and testing (see EN 1 0021 ) for tubes made of steels available in Table 3 except grade E470, unless Option 1 4 is specified ;
Option 14 Tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 3 shall be supplied with specific inspection and testing.
specific inspection and testing (see EN 1 0021 ) for tubes made of steel grade E470 and steels in accordance with Tables 4, 5, 6 and Table A.1 .
9.2 Inspection documents
9.2.1 Types of inspection documents
The following inspection documents, in accordance with EN 1 0204, shall be issued :
certificate of compliance with order 2.1 for tubes supplied with non-specific inspection and testing unless Option 1 5 is specified ;
Option 15 Inspection document type 2.2 shall be supplied.
inspection certificate 3.1 .B, for tubes supplied with specific inspection and testing unless Option 1 6 is specified.
Option 16 Inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 shall be supplied, the type of document to be specified by the purchaser.
If an inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 is specified the purchaser shall notify the manufacturer of the name and address of the organisation or person who is to carry out the inspection and produce the inspection document.
In the case of inspection report 3.2 it shall be agreed which party issue the certificate.
9.2.2 Content of inspection documents
The content of the inspection document shall be in accordance with prEN 1 01 68 as shown in , and For tubes supplied with non-specified inspection and testing the certificate of compliance with the order shall contain the following codes and information:
A commercial transactions and parties involved;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies;
Z validation. For tubes supplied with non-specific inspection and testing and a test report type 2.2 it shall contain the following codes and information :
A commercial transactions and parties involved;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies;
C02 direction of test pieces;
C1 0 to C1 3 tensile test;
C71 to C92 chemical composition;
D01 marking and identification, surface appearance, shape and dimensional properties;
Z validation. For tubes supplied with specific inspection and testing the inspection documents 3.1 .A, 3.1 .B, 3.1 .C,3.2 shall contain the following codes and information :
A commercial transactions and parties involved ;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies ;
C02 to C03 direction of test pieces and test temperature where applicable ;
C1 0 to C1 3 tensile test, if applicable ;
C40 to C43 impact test, if applicable ;
C60 to C69 other tests (e.g. options invoked which require test pieces) ;
C71 to C92 chemical composition ;
D01 marking and identification, surface appearance, shape and dimensional properties ;
D02 to D99 for other tests (e.g. options invoked which do not require test (pieces) ;
Z validation.
9.3 Summary of inspection and testing
Inspection and testing shall be carried out as stated in Table 1 7.
Table 17 — Summary of inspection and testing
10 Sampling
10.1 Frequency of tests
10.1.1 Test Unit
In the case of specific inspection a test unit shall comprise tubes of the same steel grade the same specified dimensions, the same cast, the same manufacturing process and the same delivery condition.
The quantity of tubes per test unit shall conform to Table 1 8.
10.1.2 Number of sample tubes per test unit
One sample tube shall be taken from each test unit.
Table 18 — Quantity of tubes per test unit
10.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces
10.2.1 General
Samples and test pieces shall be taken at the tube ends and in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 377.
10.2.2 Test piece for the tensile test
The test piece shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of EN 1 0002-1 .
For tubes with D less than or equal to 21 9,1 mm, the test piece shall be either a full tube section or a strip section and be taken in a direction longitudinal to the axis of the tube;
For tubes with D greater than 21 9,1 the test piece is either a machined test piece of circular cross-section from an unflattened sample or a flattened strip section, and shall be taken in a direction either longitudinal or transverse to the axis of the tube.
10.2.3 Test piece for the impact test
The direction of testing is at the discretion of the manufacturer. Flattening of samples is not permitted. Three standard Charpy V-notch test pieces in accordance with EN 1 0045-1 shall be taken. If the nominal product thickness is such that standard test pieces cannot be produced, the test shall be carried out using test pieces of width less than 1 0 mm but not less than 5 mm. In all cases, the largest obtainable width shall be used.
Tubes shall not be subject to impact testing where longitudinal test pieces of width 5 mm or greater cannot be obtained.
Test pieces shall be taken and prepared such that the axis of the notch is perpendicular to the surface of the tube.
10.2.4 Test piece for hardenability test (Jominy)
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 642.
When a test piece from a thick wall sample tube is used (see Option 1 7) the axis of the test piece shall be located at a distance of not more than 20 mm from the outside surface.
10.2.5 Test piece for hardness test (Brinell)
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 6506-1 .
11 Test methods
11.1 Tensile test
The test shall be carried out at room temperature in accordance with EN 1 0002-1 and the following determined:
the tensile strength (R m );
the upper yield strength (R eH );
If a yield phenomenon is not present the 0,2 % proof strength (R p 0,2 ) or the 0,5 % proof strength, total extension (R t 0,5 ) shall be determined. In case of dispute the 0,2% proof strength (R p 0,2 ) shall apply.
the percentage elongation after fracture with reference to a gauge length of 5,65√S o .
If a non-proportional test piece is used, the percentage elongation value shall be converted to the value for a gauge length L o = 5,65√ S o using the conversion Tables given in EN ISO 2566-1 .
11.2 Impact test
11.2.1 The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1 0045-1 . The test temperature shall be - 20°C for mandatory tests and 20 °C for optional tests (see Table 1 7).
11.2.2 The mean value of the three test pieces shall meet the specified minimum average value given in Tables 9 and 1 3. One individual value may be below the specified value, provided that it is not less than 70 % of that value.
11.2.3 If the width (W) of the test piece is less than 1 0 mm, the measured impact energy (KV p ) shall be converted to impact energy (KV c ) using the following equation.

KV c is the calculated impact energy, in joules;
KV p is the measured impact energy in joules;
W is the width of the test piece in millimetres.
The calculated impact energy KV c shall conform to the requirements given in 1 1 .2.2.
11.2.4 If the requirements of 1 1 .2.2 are not met, then an additional set of three test pieces may be taken at the discretion of the manufacturer from the same sample and tested. To consider the test unit as conforming , after testing the second set, the following conditions shall be satisfied simultaneously:
the average value of six tests shall be equal to or greater than the specified minimum value;
not more than two of six individual values may be lower than the specified minimum value;
not more than one of the six individual values may be lower than 70 % of the specified value.
11.2.5 The dimensions in millimetres of test pieces, the measured energy values and the average value shall be reported.
11.3 Hardenability test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 642 and EN ISO 6508-1 :1 999 scale C. The test results reported by the steel producer shall apply unless Option 1 7 is specified for tubes with wall thickness equal or greater than 35 mm.
Option 17 A hardenability test shall be performed on a test piece taken from a sample tube.
11.4 Hardness test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 6506-1 , and HB 1 0/3 000 be determined.
Except for Option 6 (see 8.4.2), where a documented procedure shall be applied, two hardness indentations shall be made and the average shall constitute the test result.
The indentations shall be :
on either the adequately prepared outside surface at one end of the sample tube;
or on any appropriate surface of a sample from the test unit intentionally taken or available from tests.
It is permitted to supply tubes that have been used for a hardness test unless Option 1 8 is specified.
Option 18 Supplied tubes shall not contain areas that have been prepared and used for hardness tests.
11.5 Leak tightness test
11.5.1 General
The test shall be carried out in accordance with 1 1 .5.2 or 1 1 .5.3. The choice of test method is at the discretion of the manufacturer, unless Option 1 9 is specified.
Option 19 The test method for verification of leak tightness according to 1 1 .5.2 or 1 1 .5.3 is chosen by the purchaser.
11.5.2 Hydrostatic test
The hydrostatic test shall be carried out at a test pressure of 70 bar or P, calculated from the following equation,whichever is the lower.

P is the test pressure in bar;
D is the specified outside diameter (in mm);
T is the specified wall thickness (in mm);
S is the stress in MPa corresponding to 70 % of the specified minimum yield strength (see Tables 8, 9, 1 0,1 1 and 1 2) for the steel grade concerned.
The test pressure shall be held for not less than 5 s for tubes with specified outside diameter less than or equal to 457 mm and for not less than 1 0s for tubes with specified outside diameter greater than 457 mm.
The tube shall withstand the test without leakage or visible deformation.
NOTE This hydrostatic leak tightness test is not a strength test.
11.5.3 Electromagnetic test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1 0246-1 .
11.6 Non-destructive testing
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following non-destructive testing standards to the acceptance level indicated:
EN 1 0246-3 - acceptance level E4;
EN 1 0246-5 - acceptance level F4;
EN 1 0246-7 - acceptance level U4 sub-category C for T ≤ 4 mm and sub-category D for T > 4 mm.
The choice of method is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
11.7 Dimensional inspection
Specified dimensions shall be verified.
A gauge is used normally for measuring the outside diameter, however for tubes with D equal to or greater than 406,4 mm this may be measured using a circumference tape. The wall thickness shall be measured at the tube ends.
11.8 Visual examination
Tubes shall be visually examined for compliance with the requirement of 8.6.1 .
11.9 Material identification
Each tube from alloy steel in the Tables 6 and Table A.1 shall be tested to assure that the correct grade is being supplied.
11.10 Retests, sorting and reprocessing
For retests, sorting an reprocessing the requirements of EN 1 0021 shall apply.
12 Marking
12.1 Except as provided for in 1 2.2, each tube shall be marked by suitable and durable methods such as painting,stamping, adhesive labels or attached tags with the following:
the manufacturers name or trademark;
the number of this Part of this European Standard (EN 1 0297-1 );
the steel name, e.g. E275;
the symbol for the delivery condition, see Table 2, except for the condition +AR for grades in Table 3;
the symbol +H and the cast number for tubes supplied against a hardenability requirement (see 8.5);
in the case of specific inspection, the mark of the inspection representative and an identification number (e.g.order or item number) which permits the correlation of the product or delivery unit to the related document.
Example of marking :
X-EN 1 0297-1 - C1 5R+FP - Y - Z
X is the manufacturers name or trademark
Y is the mark of inspection representative
Z is the identification number (e.g. order or item number)
12.2 Where the products are supplied bundled, the marking required in 1 2.1 may be on a label which shall be securely attached to the bundle. Additionally the label or tags shall identify the diameter, wall thickness and type of length of the tube.
13 Protection
The tubes shall be delivered without temporary corrosion protection unless Option 20 is specified.
Option 20 Tubes shall be specially protected for transit and storage. The type of coating shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
Annex A
Steels for case hardening
Annex B
Recommended heat treatment temperatures
Table B.1 — Recommended heat treatment temperatures in °C for steels in Table A.1
Table B.2 — Recommended heat treatment temperatures °C for steels in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6
Annex C
Hardness requirements for heat treated tubes
Table C.1 — Brinell hardness requirements for tubes in delivery condition +A, +TH or +FP
Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1 :Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
1 Scope
This Part of EN 1 0297 specifies the technical delivery conditions for seamless circular tubes made of non-alloy and alloy steels for mechanical and general engineering purposes.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 1 0002-1 , Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1 : Method of test at ambient temperature.
EN 1 0020, Definition and classification of grades of steel.
EN 1 0021 , General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.
EN 1 0027-1 , Designation systems for steel — Part 1 : Steel names, principal symbols.
EN 1 0027-2, Designation systems for steel — Part 2: Numerical system.
EN 1 0045-1 , Metallic materials — Charpy Impact test — Part 1 : Test method.
EN 1 0052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products . prEN 1 01 68, Iron and steel products — Inspection documents – List of information and description .
EN 1 0204, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents.
EN 1 0220, Seamless and welded steel tubes - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.
EN 1 0246-1 , Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 1 : Automatic electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness .
EN 1 0246-3, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 3 : Automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.
EN 1 0246-5, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 5 : Automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections .
EN 1 0246-7, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 7 : Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.
EN 1 0256, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Qualification and competence of level 1 and 2 non-destructive testing personnel.
CR 1 0260:1 998, Designation systems for steel - Additional symbols. prEN 1 0266, Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sections — Symbols and definition of terms for use in product standards.
EN ISO 377, Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing (ISO 377:1 997).
EN ISO 642, Steel — Hardenability test by end quenching (Jominy test) (ISO 642:1 999).
EN ISO 2566-1 , Steel—Conversion of elongation values—Part 1 : Carbon and low alloy steels(ISO 2566-1 :1 984).
EN ISO 6506-1 , Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test — Part 1 :Test method (ISO 6506-1 :1 999).
EN ISO 6508-1 :1 999, Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test -Part 1 : Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F,G, H, K, N, T) (ISO 6508-1 :1 999).
EURONORM 1 03,Micrograph determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steels
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1 0020, EN 1 0021 , EN 1 0052 and prEN 1 0266 and the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1fine grain steel
steel having an austenitic/ferritic grain size equal to or finer than 6 when measured in accordance with EURONORM 1 03
3.2 normalizing rolling
a rolling process in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range leading to a material condition equivalent to that obtained after normalizing so that the specified values of the mechanical properties are retained even after normalizing (+N)
NOTE Delivery condition of tubes manufactured by a normalizing rolling process or normalized by heat treatment in a furnace are both identified with the same symbol.
3.3 as rolled
formed after heating into the austenitic region (i.e. above AC 3) without subsequent heat treatment (+AR)
heat treatment at a temperature slightly below AC 1 (+A)
3.5TH treatment
heat treatment with the object of achieving a hardness within a specified range (+TH)
3.6FP treatment
heat treatment with the object of producing a ferritic and pearlitic structure and achieving a hardness within a specified range (+FP)
organization for which the person works on a regular basis
NOTE The employer may be either the tube manufacturer or a third party organization providing non-destructive testing(NDT) services.
4 Symbols
See prEN 1 0266 and CR 1 0260.
5 Classification and designation
5.1 Classification
In accordance with EN 1 0020 the grades in Tables 3, 4 ,5, 6 and A1 are classified as given in Table 1 .
5.2 Designation
For tubes covered by this Part of this European Standard the steel designation consists of:
the number of this Part of this European Standard (EN 1 0297-1 ) ; plus either :
the steel name in accordance with EN 1 0027-1 and CR 1 0260 ; or
the steel number allocated in accordance with EN 1 0027-2.
These are given in Table 1 .
Table 1 — Classification of steel grades and delivery condition
Steel grade |
Normal delivery condition a |
Classification in accordance with EN 10020 |
Steel name | Steel number | ||
E235 E275 E31 5 E355 |
1 .0308 1 .0225 1 .0236 1 .0580 |
+AR or +N |
Non-alloy quality steel |
E470 | 1 .0536 | +AR | |
E275K2 E420J2 |
1 .0456 1 .0599 |
+N | |
E355K2 | 1 .0920 | Alloy quality steel | |
E460K2 | 1 .8891 | +N | Alloy special steel |
E590K2 | 1 .0644 | +QT | Non-alloy special steel |
E730K2 | 1 .8893 | +QT | Alloy special steel |
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | +N or +QT | Non-alloy special steel |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | ||
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | ||
C60E | 1 .1 221 | ||
38Mn6 | 1 .1 1 27 | ||
41 Cr4 | 1 .7035 | +QT | Alloy special steel |
25CrMo4 | 1 .7218 | ||
30CrMo4 | 1 .7216 | ||
34CrMo4 | 1 .7220 | ||
42CrMo4 | 1 .7225 | ||
36CrNiMo4 | 1 .6511 | ||
30CrNiMo8 | 1 .6580 | ||
41 NiCrMo7-3-2 | 1 .6563 | ||
C1 0E | 1 .1 1 21 | +A, +TH, +FP, +N | Non-alloy special steel |
C1 5E | 1 .1 1 41 | ||
C1 5R | 1 .1 1 40 | ||
1 6MnCr5 | 1 .71 31 | Alloy special steel | |
1 6MnCrS5 | 1 .71 39 | ||
20NiCrMo2-2 | 1 .6523 | ||
20NiCrMoS2-2 | 1 .6526 | ||
A At the discretion of the manufacturer, the tube may be cold finished. The tube shall then be annealed or normalized, to achieve the required properties. |
6 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
6.1 Mandatory information
The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order :
1 ) the quantity (mass or total length or number);
2) the term "tube";
3) the dimensions (outside diameter, wall thickness) (see 8.9.1 );
4) the designation according to this Part of this European Standard (see 5.2);
5) the delivery condition (see 7.3.1 ).
6.2 Options
A number of options are specified in this Part of this European Standard, and are listed as follows with appropriate clause references. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement any of these options at the time of enquiry and order the tube shall be supplied in accordance with the basic specification(See 6.1 ).
1 ) Descaling (see 7.3.1 );
2) tensile test on sample in condition +N (see 8.3.2);
3) tensile test on sample in condition +QT (see 8.3.3);
4) tensile test (see 8.3.4);
5) impact energy values of Table 1 3 (see 8.3.5);
6) hardness range (see 8.4.2);
7) hardness test (see 8.4.3);
8) hardenability requirements of Aannex D (see 8.5);
9) verification of hardenability (see 8.5);
1 0) verification of hardenability by test (see 8.5);
1 1 ) non-destructive testing (see 8.6.2);
1 2) leak tightness test (see 8.6.2);
1 3) exact lengths (see 8.9.2);
1 4) specific inspection for tubes made of steels from Table 3 (see 9.1);
1 5) inspection document 2.2 (see 9.2.1 );
1 6) inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 (see 9.2.1 );
1 7) hardenability test on a test piece taken from a sample tube (see 11 .3);
1 8) supplied tubes shall not contain areas prepared and used for hardness test (see 1 1 .4);
1 9) selection of the leak tightness test method by the purchaser (see 1 1 .5.1 );
20) coating for transit and storage (see clause 1 3).
6.3 Example of an order
Twenty five tonnes of tube in accordance with EN 1 0297-1 with specified outside diameter of 60,3 mm and specified wall thickness of 3,6 mm grade E275 steel in the normalised delivery condition and supplied with specific inspection.
25 t Tube - - 60,3 x 3,6 - EN 1 0297 - E275 - +N - Option 1 4
7 Manufacturing process
7.1 Steelmaking process
The steelmaking process is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
Elements not included in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and A1 for the relevant grade shall not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, except for elements which may be added for finishing the cast. All appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the addition of undesirable elements from scrap or other materials used in the steelmaking process.
7.2 Deoxidation process
Steels shall be fully killed and additionally those in Tables 4 and 5 shall contain N binding elements and are fine grain steels.
7.3 Tube manufacture and delivery conditions
7.3.1 Tubes shall be manufactured by a seamless process.
Table 2 gives a summary of delivery conditions, hardenability requirements and related mandatory and optional test requirements for mechanical properties and hardness. For hardenability requirements see 8.5.
Tubes made of steels in Table 3 with the exception of E470 are normally supplied as rolled or normalized at the discretion of the manufacturer. However the purchaser may specify +N condition. Grade E470 is supplied as rolled.
Tubes made of steels in Table 4 are supplied in the delivery condition indicated in Table 9.
Tubes made of steels in Tables 5, 6 and A1 are supplied in a delivery condition indicated in Table 2 as specified by the purchaser.
The recommended heat treatment temperatures are given in Table B.1 and Table B.2 as appropriate.
At the manufacturers discretion tube may be cold finished, before the specified heat treatment is given. Cold finished tubes in the +AR condition shall be annealed or normalized to achieve the specified properties.
NOTE The cold drawing process leaves residual oil on the tube which may leave a residue when heat treated.
When specified the tubes shall be supplied descaled (see option 1 ). The amount of descaling shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. The method is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
Option 1 : Tubes shall be supplied descaled.
7.3.2 All NDT activities shall be carried out by qualified and competent level 1 , 2 and/or 3 personnel authorised to operate by the employer.
The qualification shall be in accordance with EN 1 0256 or, at least an equivalent to it.
It is recommended that the level 3 personnel be certified in accordance with EN 473 or, at least an equivalent to it.
The operating authorisation issued by the employer shall be in accordance with a written procedure.
NDT operations shall be authorised by a level 3 NDT individual approved by the employer.
NOTE The definition of level 1 , 2 and 3 can be found in appropriate standards, e.g. EN 473 and EN 1 0256.
Table 2 — Summary of delivery conditions, related options and requirements
Applicable Table(s) |
pplicable Table(s) |
Delivery condition |
Hardenability requirement |
Test requirements a |
Cast analysis |
Tensile test | mpact test |
Hardenability verification or test |
Hardness test | ||||||
Standard condition |
Simulated +N condition |
Simulated +QT condition |
Tables 3 and 8 |
+AR b |
- | M | M | - | - | - | - | - | |
+N | - | M | M | - | - | - | - | - | ||
Tables 4 and 9 | +N | - | M | M | - | - | M | - | - | |
+QT | - | M | M | - | - | M | - | - | ||
Table5 | +AR | Option 8 | M | - | Option 2 | Option 3 | - | Option 9 or 10 | - | |
+N | Option 8 | M | M | - | Option 3 | - | Option 9 or 10 | - | ||
+QT | M | M | - | - | Option 5 | - | Option 6 | |||
+A | Option 8 | M | Option 4 | Option 2 | Option 3 | - | Option 9 or 10 | M | ||
Table 6 |
+AR c |
Option 8 | M | - | - | Option 3 | - | Option 9 or 10 | - | |
+QT | M | M | - | - | Option 5 | - | Option 6 | |||
+A | Option 8 | M | Option 4 | - | Option 3 | - | Option 9 or 10 | M | ||
Table A.1 | +AR |
Option 8 d |
M | - | - | - | - | Option 9 or 10 | - | |
+N |
Option 8 d |
M | Option 4 | - | - | - | Option 9 or 10 | Option 7 | ||
+A |
Option 8 d |
M | Option 4 | - | - | - | Option 9 or 10 | M | ||
+TH e |
Option 8 d |
M | Option 4 | - | - | - | Option 9 or 10 | M | ||
+FP e |
Option 8 d |
M | Option 4 | - | - | - | Option 9 or 10 | M | ||
a M = Mandatory, - = Not applicable. b At the manufacturers discretion as rolled or normalized except for grade E 470 which is always supplied in +AR condition. c +AR condition only applies for 25CrMo4 and 34CrMo4 . d Option 8 only applies for alloy special steels. e +TH and +FP only apply for 1 6MnCr5, 1 6MnCrS5, 20NiCrMo2-2 and 20NiCrMoS2-2. |
8 Requirements
8.1 General
Tubes, when supplied in a delivery condition indicated in 7.3.1 and inspected in accordance with clause 9, shall conform to the requirements of this Part of this European Standard.
In addition the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 1 0021 apply.
8.2 Chemical composition
The cast analysis reported by the steel producer shall apply and shall conform to the requirements of Tables 3, 4,5, 6 and Table A.1 .
In case of dispute the permissible deviations of a product analysis from the limits on cast analysis specified in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and Table A.1 are given in Table 7.
NOTE When welding tubes produced according to this part of EN 1 0297, account should be taken of the fact that the behaviour of the steel during and after welding is dependent not only on the steel and the delivery condition but also on the conditions of preparing for and carrying out welding. Not all of the steels specified in this standard are able to be welded unless specialised techniques are employed by specialist welders.
Table 3 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for non-alloy quality steel, in % by mass a
Steel grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S |
Other elements |
Steel name |
Steel number |
min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | max. | max. | |
E235 | 1 .0308 | 0,1 7 | - | 0,35 | - | 1 ,20 | 0,030 | 0,035 | ||
E275 | 1 .0225 | 0,21 | - | 0,35 | - | 1 ,40 | 0,030 | 0,035 | ||
E31 5 | 1 .0236 | 0,21 | - | 0,30 | - | 1 ,50 | 0,030 | 0,035 | ||
E355 b | 1 .0580 | 0,22 | - | 0,55 | - | 1 ,60 | 0,030 | 0,035 | ||
E470 | 1 .0536 | 0,1 6 | 0,22 | 0,1 0 | 0,50 | 1 ,30 | 1 ,70 | 0,030 | 0,035 |
Al min 0,01 0, N max. 0,020, Nb max. 0,07, V 0,08/0,1 5 |
a See also 7.1. b Additions of Nb, V and Ti are permitted at the discretion of the manufacturer, the content of these elements shall be reported. |
Table 4 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes with specified impact properties in % by mass a
Steel grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Mo | Ni |
Al Total b |
Cu | N | Nb | Ti | V | |||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | max. | max. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | max. | max. | max. | min. | max. |
E275K2 | 1 .0456 | - | 0,20 | - | 0,40 | 0,50 | 1 ,40 | 0,030 | 0,030 | 0,30 | - | 0,1 0 | - | 0,30 | 0,020 | 0,35 | 0,01 5 | 0,05 | 0,03 | - | 0,05 |
E355K2 | 1 .0920 | - | 0,20 | - | 0,50 | 0,90 | 1 ,65 | 0,030 | 0,030 | 0,30 | - | 0,1 0 | - | 0,50 | 0,020 | 0,35 | 0,01 5 | 0,05 | 0,05 | - | 0,1 2 |
E420J2 | 1 .0599 | 0,1 6 | 0,22 | 0,1 0 | 0,50 | 1 ,30 | 1 ,70 | 0,030 | 0,035 | 0,30 | - | 0,08 | - | 0,40 | 0,01 0 | 0,30 | 0,020 |
0,07 c |
0,05 | 0,08 | 0,1 5 c |
E460K2 | 1 .8891 | - | 0,20 | - | 0,60 | 1 ,00 | 1 ,70 | 0,030 | 0,030 | 0,30 | - | 0,1 0 | - | 0,80 | 0,020 | 0,70 | 0,025 |
0,05 c |
0,05 | - | 0,20 c |
E590K2 | 1 .0644 | 0,1 6 | 0,22 | 0,1 0 | 0,50 | 1 ,30 | 1 ,70 | 0,030 | 0,035 | 0,30 | - | 0,08 | - | 0,40 | 0,01 0 | 0,30 | 0,020 |
0,07 c |
0,05 | 0,08 | 0,1 5 c |
E730K2 | 1 .8893 | - | 0,20 | - | 0,50 | 1 ,40 | 1 ,70 | 0,025 | 0,025 | 0,30 | 0,30 | 0,45 | 0,30 | 0,70 | 0,020 | 0,20 | 0,020 | 0,05 | 0,05 | - | 0,1 2 |
a See also 7.1. b If sufficient other N-binding elements are present the minimum total Al content does not apply. c Nb + V = 0,20 % max. |
Table 5 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes made of non-alloy special steels in % by mass a b
Steel grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S | ||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | max. | max. |
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 0,1 7 | 0,24 | - | 0,40 | 0,40 | 0,70 | 0,035 | 0,035 |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 0,32 | 0,39 | - | 0,40 | 0,50 | 0,80 | 0,035 | 0,035 |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 0,42 | 0,50 | - | 0,40 | 0,50 | 0,80 | 0,035 | 0,035 |
C60E | 1 .1 221 | 0,57 | 0,65 | - | 0,40 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 |
38Mn6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 0,34 | 0,42 | 0,1 5 | 0,35 | 1 ,40 | 1 ,65 | 0,035 | 0,035 |
a See also 7.1. b C r max. 0,40%, Mo max. 0,1 0%, Ni max 0,40%, Cr + Mo + Ni max. 0,63%. |
Table 6 — Chemical composition (cast analysis) for tubes made from alloy special steels in % by mass a
Steel grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Mo | Ni | ||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
min. | max. | max. | min. | max. | max. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. |
41 Cr4 | 1 .7035 | 0,38 | 0,45 | 0,40 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 | - | - | - | - |
25CrMo4 | 1 .721 8 | 0,22 | 0,29 | 0,40 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | - | - |
30CrMo4 | 1 .721 6 | 0,27 | 0,34 | 0,35 | 0,35 | 0,60 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,80 | 1 ,1 5 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | - | - |
34CrMo4 | 1 .7220 | 0,30 | 0,37 | 0,40 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | - | - |
42CrMo4 | 1 .7225 | 0,38 | 0,45 | 0,40 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | - | - |
36CrNiMo4 | 1 .651 1 | 0,32 | 0,40 | 0,40 | 0,50 | 0,80 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | 0,90 | 1 ,20 |
30CrNiMo8 | 1 .6580 | 0,26 | 0,34 | 0,40 | 0,30 | 0,60 | 0,035 | 0,035 | 1 ,80 | 2,20 | 0,30 | 0,50 | 1 ,80 | 2,20 |
41 NiCrMo7-3-2 b |
1 .6563 | 0,38 | 0,44 | 0,30 | 0,60 | 0,90 | 0,025 | 0,025 | 0,70 | 0,90 | 0,1 5 | 0,30 | 1 ,65 | 2,00 |
a See also 7.1. b ≤ 0,25% Cu. |
Table 7 — Permissible deviations of the product analysis from the specified limits on cast analysis
Element |
Limiting values for the specified analysis % by mass |
Permissible deviation on the product analysis % by mass |
C | ≤ 0,55 | ± 0,02 |
> 0,55 ≤ 0,65 | ± 0,03 | |
Si | ≤ 0,60 | ± 0,05 |
Mn | ≤ 1 ,70 | - 0,05 / + 0,1 0 |
P | ≤ 0,035 | + 0,005 |
S | ≤ 0,040 | + 0,005 |
Cr | ≤ 2,00 | ± 0,05 |
> 2,00 ≤ 2,20 | ± 0,1 0 | |
Mo | ≤ 0,30 | ± 0,03 |
> 0,30 ≤ 0,50 | ± 0,04 | |
Ni | ≤ 2,00 | ± 0,05 |
> 2,00 ≤ 2,20 | ± 0,07 | |
Al total | ≥ 0,01 0 | - 0,005 |
Cu | ≤ 0,35 | + 0,04 |
> 0,35 ≤ 0,70 | + 0,07 | |
N | ≤ 0,025 | + 0,002 |
Nb | ≤ 0,07 | + 0,01 |
Ti | ≤ 0,050 | + 0,01 |
V | ≤ 0,20 | ± 0,02 |
8.3 Mechanical properties
8.3.1 For tubes made of steels covered by Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6 the mechanical properties for the relevant delivery condition in Tables 8, 9, 1 0,1 1 and 1 2 apply.
8.3.2 When specified, for tubes supplied as rolled or annealed in grades of Table 5 the mechanical properties in Table 1 0 shall apply for a sample submitted to a simulated normalizing treatment (see Option 2).
Option 2 A tensile test shall be carried out on a sample test piece from a sample heat treated to the condition +N and the results reported.
8.3.3 When specified, for tubes supplied normalized in grades of Table 5 and for tubes supplied as rolled or annealed in grades of Table 5 and 6 the mechanical properties in Table 1 2 shall apply for a sample submitted to a simulated quenched and tempered treatment (see Option 3).
Option 3 A tensile test shall be carried out on a sample test piece from a sample heat treated to the condition +QT and the results reported.
8.3.4 When specified for tubes supplied annealed in grades of Tables 5, 6, and Table A.1 or for tubes supplied in delivery condition +N, +TH or +FP in grades of Table A1 a tensile test shall be carried out and the results reported (see Option 4).
Option 4 A tensile test shall be carried out and the results reported.
8.3.5 When specified for tubes supplied quenched and tempered in grades of Table 5 or 6 except C60E the impact properties, shown in Table 1 3 shall apply (see Option 5).
Option 5 The impact energy values of Table 1 3 shall be verified and the results reported.
Table 8 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 3
Steel grade |
Delivery condition |
Minimum tensile properties | |||||||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
Yield strength (R eH ) Mpa b |
Tensile strength (R m ) MPa |
Elongation A % |
For T in mm | For T in mm | l | t | ||||||||||
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 65 |
> 65 ≤ 80 |
> 80 ≤ 1 00 |
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 65 |
> 65 ≤ 1 00 |
E 235 | 1 .0308 | +AR or a +N | 235 | 225 | 21 5 | 205 | 1 95 | 360 | 360 | 360 | 340 | 25 | 23 |
E275 | 1 .0225 | +AR or a +N | 275 | 265 | 255 | 245 | 235 | 41 0 | 41 0 | 41 0 | 380 | 22 | 20 |
E31 5 | 1 .0236 | +AR or a +N | 31 5 | 305 | 295 | 280 | 270 | 450 | 450 | 450 | 420 | 21 | 19 |
E355 | 1 .0580 | +AR or a +N | 355 | 345 | 335 | 31 5 | 295 | 490 | 490 | 490 | 470 | 20 | 18 |
E470 | 1 .0536 | +AR | 470 | 430 | - | - | - | 650 | 600 | - | - | 17 | 15 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. | |||||||||||||
a At the manufacturers discretion as rolled or normalized. b 1 MPa = 1 N/mm 2 . |
Table 9 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 4
Steel grade |
Delivery condition |
Minimum tensile properties | Impact properties | ||||||||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
Yield strength (R eH ) MPa |
Tensile strength (R m ) MPa |
Elongation A % |
Minimum average absorbed energy, KV min., J at a test temperature of – 20 °C |
For T in mm | For T in mm | l | t | l | t | ||||||||||
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 65 |
> 65 ≤ 80 |
> 80 ≤ 1 00 |
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 65 |
> 65 ≤ 1 00 |
E275K2 | 1 .0456 | +N | 275 | 265 | 255 | 245 | 235 | 41 0 | 41 0 | 41 0 | 380 | 22 | 20 | 40 | 27 |
E355K2 | 1 .0920 | +N | 355 | 345 | 335 | 31 5 | 295 | 490 | 490 | 470 | 470 | 20 | 18 | 40 | 27 |
E420J2 | 1 .0599 | +N | 420 | 400 | 390 | 370 | 360 | 600 | 560 | 530 | 500 | 19 | 17 | 27 | 20 |
E460K2 | 1 .8891 | +N | 460 | 440 | 430 | 41 0 | 390 | 550 | 550 | 550 | 520 | 19 | 17 | 40 | 27 |
E590K2 | 1 .0644 | +QT | 590 | 540 | 480 | 455 | 420 | 700 | 650 | 570 | 520 | 16 | 14 | 40 | 27 |
E730K2 | 1 .8893 | +QT | 730 | 670 | 620 | 580 | 540 | 790 | 750 | 700 | 680 | 15 | 13 | 40 | 27 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. |
Table 10 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 5 in delivery condition +N
Steel grade | Minimum tensile properties | ||||||||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
Yield strength ( R eH ) MPa |
Tensile strength ( R m ) MPa |
Elongation A % |
For T in mm | For T in mm | For T in mm | |||||||||||
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 80 |
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 80 |
≤ 1 6 |
> 1 6 ≤ 40 |
> 40 ≤ 80 |
l | t | l | t | l | t | ||||||||
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 240 | 21 0 | 21 0 | 430 | 41 0 | 41 0 | 24 | 22 | 25 | 23 | 25 | 23 |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 300 | 270 | 270 | 550 | 520 | 520 | 18 | 1 6 | 19 | 17 | 19 | 17 |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 340 | 305 | 305 | 620 | 580 | 580 | 14 | 1 2 | 16 | 14 | 16 | 14 |
C60E | 1 .1 221 | 390 | 350 | 340 | 71 0 | 670 | 670 | 10 | 8 | 1 1 | 9 | 1 1 | 9 |
38 Mn 6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 400 | 380 | 360 | 670 | 620 | 570 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 13 | 16 | 14 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. |
Table 11 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 5 in delivery condition +QT
Steel grade | Minimum tensile properties | ||||||||||||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
Yield strength (R eH ) MPa |
Tensile strength (R m ) MPa |
Elongation A % |
For T in mm | For T in mm | For T in mm | |||||||||||||||
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
l | t | l | t | l | t | l | t | ||||||||||
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 340 | 290 | 270 | 260 | 500 | 470 | 440 | 420 | 20 | 18 | 22 | 20 | 22 | 20 | 22 | 20 |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 430 | 380 | 320 | 290 | 630 | 600 | 550 | 500 | 17 | 15 | 19 | 17 | 20 | 18 | 20 | 18 |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 490 | 430 | 370 | 340 | 700 | 650 | 630 | 600 | 14 | 12 | 16 | 14 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 15 |
C60E | 1 .1 221 | 580 | 520 | 450 | 420 | 850 | 800 | 750 | 71 0 | 11 | 9 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 14 | 12 |
38 Mn 6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 620 | 570 | 470 | 400 | 850 | 750 | 650 | 550 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 13 | 16 | 14 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. |
Table 12 — Mechanical properties for tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 6 in delivery condition +QT
Steel grade | Minimum tensile properties | ||||||||||||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
Yield strength (R eH ) MPa |
Tensile strength (R m ) MPa |
Elongation A % |
For T in mm | For T in mm | For T in mm | |||||||||||||||
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
≤ 8 |
> 8 ≤ 20 |
> 20 ≤ 50 |
> 50 ≤ 80 |
l | t | l | t | l | t | l | t | ||||||||||
41 Cr 4 | 1 .7035 | 800 | 660 | 560 | - | 1 000 | 900 | 800 | - | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 | 14 | 12 | - | - |
25 Cr Mo 4 | 1 .721 8 | 700 | 600 | 450 | 400 | 900 | 800 | 700 | 650 | 12 | 10 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 13 | 16 | 14 |
30 Cr Mo 4 | 1 .721 6 | 750 | 630 | 520 | 480 | 950 | 850 | 750 | 700 | 12 | 10 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 13 |
34 Cr Mo 4 | 1 .7220 | 800 | 650 | 550 | 500 | 1 000 | 900 | 800 | 750 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 13 |
42 Cr Mo 4 | 1 .7225 | 900 | 750 | 650 | 550 | 1 1 00 | 1 000 | 900 | 800 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 | 13 | 11 |
36 Cr Ni Mo 4 | 1 .651 1 | 900 | 800 | 700 | 600 | 1 1 00 | 1 000 | 900 | 800 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 | 13 | 11 |
30 Cr Ni Mo 8 | 1 .6580 | 1 050 | 1 050 | 900 | 800 | 1 250 | 1 250 | 1 1 00 | 1 000 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 9 |
41 Ni Cr Mo 7-3-2 | 1 .6563 | 950 | 870 | 800 | 750 | 1 1 50 | 1 050 | 1 000 | 900 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. |
Table 13 — Impact properties a for tubes made of steels, in accordance with Tables 5 and 6 in delivery condition +QT
Steel grade |
Minimum average absorbed energy KVmin, J, at a test temperature of 20 °C |
Steel name | Steel number | T ≤ 8 | 8 < T ≤ 20 | 20 < T ≤ 60 | 60 < T ≤ 1 00 | |||
l | l | t | l | t | l | t | ||
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 50 | 50 | 32 | 40 | 27 | 40 | 27 |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 35 | 35 | 22 | 35 | 22 | 35 | 22 |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 25 | 25 | 1 4 | 25 | 14 | 25 | 1 4 |
38Mn6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 36 | 40 | 25 | 40 | 25 | - | - |
41 Cr4 | 1 .7035 | 30 | 35 | 22 | 35 | 22 | - | - |
25CrMo4 | 1 .7218 | 45 | 50 | 32 | 50 | 32 | 45 | 27 |
30CrMo4 | 1 .7216 | 40 | 45 | 27 | 45 | 27 | 45 | 27 |
34CrMo4 | 1 .7220 | 35 | 40 | 25 | 45 | 27 | 45 | 27 |
42CrMo4 | 1 .7225 | 30 | 35 | 22 | 35 | 22 | 35 | 22 |
36CrNiMo4 | 1 .6511 | 35 | 40 | 25 | 45 | 27 | 45 | 27 |
30CrNiMo8 | 1 .6580 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 35 | 22 | 45 | 27 |
41 NiCrMo7-3-2 | 1 .6563 | 35 | 40 | 25 | 45 | 27 | 45 | 27 |
NOTE l = longitudinal, t = transverse. a only applicable when option 5 is specified (see 8.3.5). |
8.4 Hardness requirements
8.4.1 For tubes made of steel grades in Tables 5, 6 and Table A.1 and supplied in the annealed condition and for tube made of steel grades in Table A.1 and supplied in the +TH or +FP condition the hardness requirements in Table C.1 apply.
8.4.2 When Option 6 is specified, for grades of Table 5 and 6 in +QT condition, an agreed hardness range shall apply.
Option 6 An agreed hardness range shall apply and be verified and the results reported (see 1 1 .4).
8.4.3 When Option 7 is specified, for steel grades of Table A1 in +N condition, a hardness test shall be carried out and the results reported.
Option 7 A hardness test shall be carried out and the results reported.
8.5 Hardenability
When Option 8 is specified for steel grades in Tables 5, 6 and for the alloy special steels in Table A.1 , the hardenability requirements in Annex D shall apply, except for the +QT condition.
Option 8 Hardenability requirements of Annex D shall apply.
When Option 9 or Option 1 0 is specified the hardenability shall be verified.
Table 14 — Preferred dimensions of seamless steel tubes
Dimensions in mm
D Outside diameter |
T Wall thickness | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2,3 | 2,6 | 2,9 | 3,2 | 3,6 | 4 | 4,5 | 5 | 5,4 | 5,6 | 6,3 | 7,1 | 8 | 8,8 | 1 0 | 1 1 | 1 2,5 | 1 4,2 | 1 6 | 1 7,5 | 20 | 22,2 | 25 | 28 | 30 | 32 | 36 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 1 00 | D | ||
26,9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33,7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42,4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48,3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
60,3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
63,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
76,1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88,9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 01 ,6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 1 4,3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
121 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 27 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 33 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 39,7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 41 ,3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 52,4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
159 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 68,3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 77,8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 93,7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
203 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 9,1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
229 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
244,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
273 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
298,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
323,9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
355,6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
368 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
406,4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
457 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
508 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
521 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
559 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
61 0 |
Table 15 — Tolerances on outside diameter and on thickness
Outside diameter D mm |
Tolerances on D | Tolerances on T for a T/D ratio | ||
≤ 0,025 |
> 0,025 ≤ 0,050 |
> 0,050 | ||
D ≤ 21 9,1 |
±1 % or ± 0,5 mm whichever is the greater |
± 1 2,5% or ± 0,4 mm whichever is the greater |
D > 21 9,1 | ±1 % | ±20% | ±1 5% | ±1 2,5% | Tolerances on exact length
The limit deviations shall be as given in Table 1 6.
Table 16 — Tolerances on Exact Lengths
Dimensions in mm
Length L mm |
Tolerance mm |
≤ 6 000 |
+1 0 0 |
6 000 < L ≤ 1 2 000 |
+1 5 0 |
> 1 2 000 | 0/+ by agreement |
8.9.4 Sectional properties
The nominal sectional properties shall be calculated in accordance with Annex E.
9 Inspection
9.1 Types of inspection
The conformity to the requirements of the order for tubes supplied in accordance with this Part of this European Standard shall be checked by:
non-specific inspection and testing (see EN 1 0021 ) for tubes made of steels available in Table 3 except grade E470, unless Option 1 4 is specified ;
Option 14 Tubes made of steels in accordance with Table 3 shall be supplied with specific inspection and testing.
specific inspection and testing (see EN 1 0021 ) for tubes made of steel grade E470 and steels in accordance with Tables 4, 5, 6 and Table A.1 .
9.2 Inspection documents
9.2.1 Types of inspection documents
The following inspection documents, in accordance with EN 1 0204, shall be issued :
certificate of compliance with order 2.1 for tubes supplied with non-specific inspection and testing unless Option 1 5 is specified ;
Option 15 Inspection document type 2.2 shall be supplied.
inspection certificate 3.1 .B, for tubes supplied with specific inspection and testing unless Option 1 6 is specified.
Option 16 Inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 shall be supplied, the type of document to be specified by the purchaser.
If an inspection document 3.1 .A, 3.1 .C or 3.2 is specified the purchaser shall notify the manufacturer of the name and address of the organisation or person who is to carry out the inspection and produce the inspection document.
In the case of inspection report 3.2 it shall be agreed which party issue the certificate.
9.2.2 Content of inspection documents
The content of the inspection document shall be in accordance with prEN 1 01 68 as shown in , and For tubes supplied with non-specified inspection and testing the certificate of compliance with the order shall contain the following codes and information:
A commercial transactions and parties involved;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies;
Z validation. For tubes supplied with non-specific inspection and testing and a test report type 2.2 it shall contain the following codes and information :
A commercial transactions and parties involved;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies;
C02 direction of test pieces;
C1 0 to C1 3 tensile test;
C71 to C92 chemical composition;
D01 marking and identification, surface appearance, shape and dimensional properties;
Z validation. For tubes supplied with specific inspection and testing the inspection documents 3.1 .A, 3.1 .B, 3.1 .C,3.2 shall contain the following codes and information :
A commercial transactions and parties involved ;
B description of products to which the inspection document applies ;
C02 to C03 direction of test pieces and test temperature where applicable ;
C1 0 to C1 3 tensile test, if applicable ;
C40 to C43 impact test, if applicable ;
C60 to C69 other tests (e.g. options invoked which require test pieces) ;
C71 to C92 chemical composition ;
D01 marking and identification, surface appearance, shape and dimensional properties ;
D02 to D99 for other tests (e.g. options invoked which do not require test (pieces) ;
Z validation.
9.3 Summary of inspection and testing
Inspection and testing shall be carried out as stated in Table 1 7.
Table 17 — Summary of inspection and testing
Type of inspection and testing | Non-specific inspection and testing | Specific inspection and testing | Reference paragraph | |
Mandatory | Cast Analysis |
Manufacturers procedure |
1 /cast | 8.2 |
Tensile test a |
Manufacturers procedure |
1 /test unit | 8.3, 1 1 .1 | |
Impact test b | Not applicable | 1 set/test unit | 8.3, 1 1 .2 | |
Dimensional inspection |
See 1 1 .7 | |||
Visual examination |
See 1 1 .8 | |||
Material identification of alloy steel tubes |
Not applicable | Individual | 1 1 .9 | |
Optional |
Tensile test on heat treated sample c |
Not applicable | 1 /cast | 8.3.2, 8.3.3 |
Tensile test d | Not applicable | 1 /test unit | 8.3.4, 1 1 .1 | |
Impact test e | Not applicable | 1 set/test unit | 8.3.5, 1 1 .2 | |
Verification of hardness range |
Not applicable |
According to documented procedure |
8.4.2 | |
Hardness test | Not applicable | 1 /test unit | 8.4.3, 1 1 .4 | |
Hardenability test | Not applicable | 1 /cast | 8.5, 1 1 .3 | |
Non-destructive test for imperfections |
Not applicable | individual | 8.6.2, 1 1 .6 | |
Leak tightness test |
Not applicable | individual | 8.6.2, 1 1 .5 | |
a tensile test is not mandatory for steel grades of tables 5 and 6 in the delivery conditions +A and +AR and for steel grades of Table A.1 (see table 2) b Only for steel grades J2 and K2 in Table 4. c See Options 2 and 3 and 4 in 8.3. d See Option 4 in 8.3. e Only for steel grades under the delivery conditions +QT shown in Table 1 3. |
10 Sampling
10.1 Frequency of tests
10.1.1 Test Unit
In the case of specific inspection a test unit shall comprise tubes of the same steel grade the same specified dimensions, the same cast, the same manufacturing process and the same delivery condition.
The quantity of tubes per test unit shall conform to Table 1 8.
10.1.2 Number of sample tubes per test unit
One sample tube shall be taken from each test unit.
Table 18 — Quantity of tubes per test unit
Outside diameter (D)mm | Maximum number of tubes per test unit |
D ≤ 1 1 4,3 | 400 |
1 1 4,3 < D ≤ 323,9 | 200 |
D > 323,9 | 100 |
10.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces
10.2.1 General
Samples and test pieces shall be taken at the tube ends and in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 377.
10.2.2 Test piece for the tensile test
The test piece shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of EN 1 0002-1 .
For tubes with D less than or equal to 21 9,1 mm, the test piece shall be either a full tube section or a strip section and be taken in a direction longitudinal to the axis of the tube;
For tubes with D greater than 21 9,1 the test piece is either a machined test piece of circular cross-section from an unflattened sample or a flattened strip section, and shall be taken in a direction either longitudinal or transverse to the axis of the tube.
10.2.3 Test piece for the impact test
The direction of testing is at the discretion of the manufacturer. Flattening of samples is not permitted. Three standard Charpy V-notch test pieces in accordance with EN 1 0045-1 shall be taken. If the nominal product thickness is such that standard test pieces cannot be produced, the test shall be carried out using test pieces of width less than 1 0 mm but not less than 5 mm. In all cases, the largest obtainable width shall be used.
Tubes shall not be subject to impact testing where longitudinal test pieces of width 5 mm or greater cannot be obtained.
Test pieces shall be taken and prepared such that the axis of the notch is perpendicular to the surface of the tube.
10.2.4 Test piece for hardenability test (Jominy)
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 642.
When a test piece from a thick wall sample tube is used (see Option 1 7) the axis of the test piece shall be located at a distance of not more than 20 mm from the outside surface.
10.2.5 Test piece for hardness test (Brinell)
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 6506-1 .
11 Test methods
11.1 Tensile test
The test shall be carried out at room temperature in accordance with EN 1 0002-1 and the following determined:
the tensile strength (R m );
the upper yield strength (R eH );
If a yield phenomenon is not present the 0,2 % proof strength (R p 0,2 ) or the 0,5 % proof strength, total extension (R t 0,5 ) shall be determined. In case of dispute the 0,2% proof strength (R p 0,2 ) shall apply.
the percentage elongation after fracture with reference to a gauge length of 5,65√S o .
If a non-proportional test piece is used, the percentage elongation value shall be converted to the value for a gauge length L o = 5,65√ S o using the conversion Tables given in EN ISO 2566-1 .
11.2 Impact test
11.2.1 The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1 0045-1 . The test temperature shall be - 20°C for mandatory tests and 20 °C for optional tests (see Table 1 7).
11.2.2 The mean value of the three test pieces shall meet the specified minimum average value given in Tables 9 and 1 3. One individual value may be below the specified value, provided that it is not less than 70 % of that value.
11.2.3 If the width (W) of the test piece is less than 1 0 mm, the measured impact energy (KV p ) shall be converted to impact energy (KV c ) using the following equation.

KV c is the calculated impact energy, in joules;
KV p is the measured impact energy in joules;
W is the width of the test piece in millimetres.
The calculated impact energy KV c shall conform to the requirements given in 1 1 .2.2.
11.2.4 If the requirements of 1 1 .2.2 are not met, then an additional set of three test pieces may be taken at the discretion of the manufacturer from the same sample and tested. To consider the test unit as conforming , after testing the second set, the following conditions shall be satisfied simultaneously:
the average value of six tests shall be equal to or greater than the specified minimum value;
not more than two of six individual values may be lower than the specified minimum value;
not more than one of the six individual values may be lower than 70 % of the specified value.
11.2.5 The dimensions in millimetres of test pieces, the measured energy values and the average value shall be reported.
11.3 Hardenability test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 642 and EN ISO 6508-1 :1 999 scale C. The test results reported by the steel producer shall apply unless Option 1 7 is specified for tubes with wall thickness equal or greater than 35 mm.
Option 17 A hardenability test shall be performed on a test piece taken from a sample tube.
11.4 Hardness test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 6506-1 , and HB 1 0/3 000 be determined.
Except for Option 6 (see 8.4.2), where a documented procedure shall be applied, two hardness indentations shall be made and the average shall constitute the test result.
The indentations shall be :
on either the adequately prepared outside surface at one end of the sample tube;
or on any appropriate surface of a sample from the test unit intentionally taken or available from tests.
It is permitted to supply tubes that have been used for a hardness test unless Option 1 8 is specified.
Option 18 Supplied tubes shall not contain areas that have been prepared and used for hardness tests.
11.5 Leak tightness test
11.5.1 General
The test shall be carried out in accordance with 1 1 .5.2 or 1 1 .5.3. The choice of test method is at the discretion of the manufacturer, unless Option 1 9 is specified.
Option 19 The test method for verification of leak tightness according to 1 1 .5.2 or 1 1 .5.3 is chosen by the purchaser.
11.5.2 Hydrostatic test
The hydrostatic test shall be carried out at a test pressure of 70 bar or P, calculated from the following equation,whichever is the lower.

P is the test pressure in bar;
D is the specified outside diameter (in mm);
T is the specified wall thickness (in mm);
S is the stress in MPa corresponding to 70 % of the specified minimum yield strength (see Tables 8, 9, 1 0,1 1 and 1 2) for the steel grade concerned.
The test pressure shall be held for not less than 5 s for tubes with specified outside diameter less than or equal to 457 mm and for not less than 1 0s for tubes with specified outside diameter greater than 457 mm.
The tube shall withstand the test without leakage or visible deformation.
NOTE This hydrostatic leak tightness test is not a strength test.
11.5.3 Electromagnetic test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1 0246-1 .
11.6 Non-destructive testing
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following non-destructive testing standards to the acceptance level indicated:
EN 1 0246-3 - acceptance level E4;
EN 1 0246-5 - acceptance level F4;
EN 1 0246-7 - acceptance level U4 sub-category C for T ≤ 4 mm and sub-category D for T > 4 mm.
The choice of method is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
11.7 Dimensional inspection
Specified dimensions shall be verified.
A gauge is used normally for measuring the outside diameter, however for tubes with D equal to or greater than 406,4 mm this may be measured using a circumference tape. The wall thickness shall be measured at the tube ends.
11.8 Visual examination
Tubes shall be visually examined for compliance with the requirement of 8.6.1 .
11.9 Material identification
Each tube from alloy steel in the Tables 6 and Table A.1 shall be tested to assure that the correct grade is being supplied.
11.10 Retests, sorting and reprocessing
For retests, sorting an reprocessing the requirements of EN 1 0021 shall apply.
12 Marking
12.1 Except as provided for in 1 2.2, each tube shall be marked by suitable and durable methods such as painting,stamping, adhesive labels or attached tags with the following:
the manufacturers name or trademark;
the number of this Part of this European Standard (EN 1 0297-1 );
the steel name, e.g. E275;
the symbol for the delivery condition, see Table 2, except for the condition +AR for grades in Table 3;
the symbol +H and the cast number for tubes supplied against a hardenability requirement (see 8.5);
in the case of specific inspection, the mark of the inspection representative and an identification number (e.g.order or item number) which permits the correlation of the product or delivery unit to the related document.
Example of marking :
X-EN 1 0297-1 - C1 5R+FP - Y - Z
X is the manufacturers name or trademark
Y is the mark of inspection representative
Z is the identification number (e.g. order or item number)
12.2 Where the products are supplied bundled, the marking required in 1 2.1 may be on a label which shall be securely attached to the bundle. Additionally the label or tags shall identify the diameter, wall thickness and type of length of the tube.
13 Protection
The tubes shall be delivered without temporary corrosion protection unless Option 20 is specified.
Option 20 Tubes shall be specially protected for transit and storage. The type of coating shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
Annex A
Steels for case hardening
Steel grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Mo | Ni | |||||||
Steel name |
Steel number |
min. | max. | max. | min. | max. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. |
C1 0E | 1 .1 1 21 | 0,07 | 0,1 3 | 0,40 | 0,30 | 0,60 | 0,035 | - | 0,035 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
C1 5E | 1 .1 1 41 | 0,1 2 | 0,1 8 | 0,40 | 0,30 | 0,60 | 0,035 | - | 0,035 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
C1 5R | 1 .1 1 40 | 0,1 2 | 0,1 8 | 0,40 | 0,30 | 0,60 | 0,035 | 0,020 | 0,040 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1 6 Mn Cr 5 | 1 .71 31 | 0,1 4 | 0,1 9 | 0,40 | 1 ,00 | 1 ,30 | 0,035 | - | 0,035 | 0,80 | 1 ,1 0 | - | - | - | - |
1 6 Mn Cr S 5 | 1 .71 39 | 0,1 4 | 0,1 9 | 0,40 | 1 ,00 | 1 ,30 | 0,035 | 0,020 | 0,040 | 0,80 | 1 ,1 0 | - | - | - | - |
20 Ni Cr Mo 2-2 | 1 .6523 | 0,1 7 | 0,23 | 0,40 | 0,65 | 0,95 | 0,035 | - | 0,035 | 0,35 | 0,70 | 0,1 5 | 0,25 | 0,40 | 0,70 |
20 Ni Cr Mo S 2-2 | 1 .6526 | 0,1 7 | 0,23 | 0,40 | 0,65 | 0,95 | 0,035 | 0,020 | 0,040 | 0,35 | 0,70 | 0,1 5 | 0,25 | 0,40 | 0,70 |
Annex B
Recommended heat treatment temperatures
Table B.1 — Recommended heat treatment temperatures in °C for steels in Table A.1
Steel grade | Heat Treatment for the delivery condition | ||||
Steel name | Steel number | +A | +TH | +FP | +N |
C1 0E | 1 .1 1 21 | 650 to 700 | - | - | 900 to 920 |
C1 5E | 1 .1 1 41 | 650 to 700 | - | - | 890 to 920 |
C1 5R | 1 .1 1 40 | 650 to 700 | - | - | 890 to 920 |
1 6 Mn Cr 5 | 1 .71 31 | 650 to 700 | 850 to 950 | 900 to –1 000 | 840 to 870 |
1 6 Mn Cr S 5 | 1 .71 39 | 650 to 700 | 850 to 950 | 900 to –1 000 | 840 to 870 |
20 Ni Cr Mo 2-2 | 1 .6523 | 650 to 700 | 850 to 950 | 900 to –1 000 | 850 to 880 |
20 Ni Cr Mo S 2-2 | 1 .6526 | 650 to 700 | 850 to 950 | 900 to –1 000 | 850 to 880 |
Table B.2 — Recommended heat treatment temperatures °C for steels in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6
Steel grade | Heat treatment | ||||
Steel name | Steel number | Anneal | Normalize |
Austenitize a |
Temper |
E235 | 1 .0308 | - | 880 to 940 | - | - |
E275 | 1 .0225 | - | 880 to 940 | - | - |
E31 5 | 1 .0236 | - | 890 to 950 | - | - |
E355 | 1 .0580 | - | 900 to 960 | - | - |
E275K2 | 1 .0456 | - | 880 to 940 | - | - |
E355K2 | 1 .0920 | - | 900 to 960 | - | - |
E420J2 | 1 .0599 | 900 to 960 | |||
E460K2 | 1 .8891 | - | 880 to 950 | - | - |
E590K2 | 1 .0644 | 900 to 960 | 580 to 680 | ||
E730K2 | 1 .8893 | - | - | 91 0 to 950 | 550 to 680 |
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 650 to 700 | 880 to 920 |
860 to 900 b |
550 to 680 |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 650 to 700 | 860 to 900 | 840 to 880 | 550 to 680 |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 650 to 700 | 840 to 880 | 820 to 860 | 550 to 680 |
C60E | 1 .1 221 | 650 to 700 | 820 to 860 | 800 to 840 | 550 to 680 |
38Mn6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 650 to 700 | 850 to 880 | 820 to 850 | 540 to 680 |
41 Cr4 | 1 .7035 | 650 to 700 |
840 to –880 c |
820 to 860 | 540 to 680 |
25CrMo4 | 1 .721 8 | 650 to 700 | 860 to –900 c | 840 to 880 | 540 to 680 |
30CrMo4 | 1 .721 6 | 650 to 700 | 860 to –900 c | 840 to 870 | 540 to 680 |
34CrMo4 | 1 .7220 | 650 to 700 |
850 to –890 c |
830 to 870 | 540 to 680 |
42CrMo4 | 1 .7225 | 650 to 700 |
840 to –880 c |
820 to 860 | 540 to 680 |
36CrNiMo4 | 1 .6511 | 650 to 700 |
850 to –880 c |
820 to 850 | 540 to 680 |
30CrNiMo8 | 1 .6580 | 650 to 700 |
850 to –880 c |
830 to –860 d |
540 to 680 |
41NiCrMo7-3-2 | 1 .6563 | 650 to 700 |
860 to –890 c |
840 to 870 | 530 to 680 |
a Unless otherwise stated temperatures are for water quenching and have to be increased by 1 0 °C for oil quenching. b Only water quenching. c These temperatures apply when normalizing is carried out prior to quenching and tempering . d Only oil quenching. |
Annex C
Hardness requirements for heat treated tubes
Table C.1 — Brinell hardness requirements for tubes in delivery condition +A, +TH or +FP
Steel grade | Brinell hardness in delivery condition | |||||
Steel name | Steel number | +A | +TH | +FP | ||
min. | max. | min. | max. | |||
C22E | 1 .1 1 51 | 1 56 | - | - | - | - |
C35E | 1 .1 1 81 | 1 83 | - | - | - | - |
C45E | 1 .1 1 91 | 207 | - | - | - | - |
C60E | 1 .1 221 | 241 | - | - | - | - |
38Mn6 | 1 .1 1 27 | 223 | - | - | - | - |
41 Cr4 | 1 .7035 | 241 | - | - | - | - |
25CrMo4 | 1 .721 8 | 21 2 | - | - | - | - |
30CrMo4 | 1 .721 6 | 223 | - | - | - | - |
34CrMo4 | 1 .7220 | 223 | - | - | - | - |
42CrMo4 | 1 .7225 | 241 | - | - | - | - |
36CrNiMo4 | 1 .651 1 | 241 | - | - | - | - |
30CrNiMo8 | 1 .6580 | 245 | - | - | - | - |
41NiCrMo7-3-2 | 1 .6563 | 248 | - | - | - | - |
C1 0E | 1 .1 1 21 | 1 31 | - | - | - | - |
C1 5E | 1 .1 1 41 | 1 43 | - | - | - | - |
C1 5R | 1 .1 1 40 | 1 43 | - | - | - | - |
1 6MnCr5 | 1 .71 31 | 207 | 1 56 | 207 | 1 40 | 1 87 |
1 6MnCrS5 | 1 .71 39 | 207 | 1 56 | 207 | 1 40 | 1 87 |
20NiCrMo2-2 | 1 .6523 | 21 2 | 1 61 | 21 2 | 1 49 | 1 94 |
20NiCrMoS2-2 | 1 .6526 | 21 2 | 1 61 | 21 2 | 1 49 | 1 94 |